Tag Archives: Canvas print

Taking the plunge

Its coming up for a year that I have been working on my Project 365, I haven’t been as dedicated as I was in the beginning but have learnt not to beat myself up or feel too guilty about missing days. I have found out lots though about myself and about the abyss we call the web. When I wasn’t posting pics it became a topic of conversation with people I met, wondering where the photos had gone. I have been told that families have discussions about them, others can’t wait to see whats coming next and some enjoy the macro work trying to guess what the subject is.

A lesson here is that although some days you feel no one is watching, on the internet there is always someone watching. If my work can bring a smile to a sad face or even just a smile, remind someone of a fond memory long distant or just bring a little respite in hard day then I will be happy too.

Anyway I have never been that good at self publicising, my attempts at CV’s are evidence of that. But I have been told that some of my work is very good and should be on a wall somewhere. This is where the plunge comes in, I have started to upload some of my work to an online gallery called Photos4me where my work can be purchased in a variety of formats including canvas  prints, posters, giclée prints, or acrylic sheets. I am in the process of uploading images to the site, but if there is something you want the just let me know and I will upload it.

My gallery is at http://www.photos4me.com/bob