Tag Archives: Bokeh

Project 365 2012/17 dreams


Its been cold here since the weekend, the weatherman says it will be warmer tomorrow. Am I bothered or do I really care, well yes because the cold weather has presented me with some beauthiful opportunities.

Project 365 2012/16 the beauty of nature

I am surrounded by natures beauty

This was another take from our walk in a country park at the weekend, everyone was taking their dogs for a walk we were letting the kids run and let of steam.

Project 365 2012/14 not all that glitters is gold

not all that glitters is gold, morning front on cabbage

I actually braved the early morning frost today, well 11:00 am anyway. My garden is quite sheltered so the frost tends to linger and in some areas hasn’t gone as it is still so cold. One of my vegetable plots must have  had some cabbage it at some point as they have sprouted now in the middle of Winter. This is a shot of a cabbage leaf with tiny drops of frost that has been melted by late morning rays of sunshine. The Canon 50mm MkII has really created some beautiful bokeh, it looks like millions of tiny jewels, of course that would be nice, plant a diamond get a bumper crop in 3 months.


Project 365 day three hundred and sixty five, Happy New Year

So what next, this is the last post for this 365 project although I didn’t get to post everyday it is about 70% complete. Do I continue with a new project 366 project for next year, I think maybe I will. But I need some new goals. My first goal will be to include more people in my project, aside from my family I haven’t taken that many shots of people. I had thought about a 365 Maidstone (the town where I live) or even a 365 people, where people reveal a little something about themselves that is not well-known, like collecting pink unicorns or dressing up and running round woods pretending to be dwarves or elves (oh that last one is me). There is so much to explore in the realm of photography, this year has been a real learning curve. Before I was a keen amateur and now I would say I am beginning to understand it as well.

There is no better feeling than when you get your photos uploaded and see the magic moments that you have captured, that is what drives me on. Along with you following my ramblings, seeing what you are up to. I want to thank you to everyone out there who has taken time to look at my work, sometimes I feel it is not up tp my own standards but feel that as the year has progressed the bar for my own standards has been pushed higher.

See you in the New Year and I hope that your dreams come true in 2012.


Project 365 day three hundred and fifty four, bokeh

Everyone should try a bokeh shot every once in a while, if not for the great images it produces but for the pre maintenance. As I found out once a gain the hard way that my camera is my faithful companion going everywhere with me, come rain, shine, maybe even snow soon. So it gets exposed to the elements and it needs looking after, when I started uploading this batch of shots it needed a lot of spot removal to make it fairly acceptable. Even at this low res spots are still visible, so to save yourself post processing, start with pre processing by keeping your equipment clean. It will save time in the end.


Project 365 day three hundred and fifty three, whats your costa?

festive bokeh costa coffee

One thing that keeps me fuelled at work is coffee, recently a Costa Coffee opened at Kingshill which has made the days easier to bare. Starbucks used to be my favorite coffee, but they changed their blend so now it is a little bit bitter. Costa’s blend is an anytime drink, not to strong although my favorite is a double shot Americano. The last image I took with a Costa theme I put on the wall at work, there was something about it that suggested to us to get one.

The festive bokeh effect is from a christmas tree at work, the mugs are Costa thermos mugs very cheap at £3 each and keep your coffee warmer for longer.

My favorite Costa Coffee is an Americano with an extra shot of expresso, whats yours?

Project 365 day three hundred and twenty five, Autumn Trails

I had something definite in mind for today, but the sun decided to dodge whined cloud during my lunch break. All morning I was looking out of my adopted office’s windows (every 4 weeks I take a turn in the help desk, the phones drive me crazy but the guys make great coffee and are a good bunch. but the best thing about their office is they a view out of their windows, ok it’s only a car park and garages but it’s better than my stuffy office with a view of a white brick wall) at the blue sky, the idea was to get a sot of autumnal leaves with a bokeh effect from the sun streaming through the leaves.

So what I got was still nice the bokeh effect in the background softens the trail that leads up to a gate.

Autumn Trails